Download and upload aem packages using shell script

Using shell script you can download packages from source instance and upload into destination instance # packages.txt service pack: AEM forms: #!/bin/bash FILE=”/home/prahlad/packages.txt” TEMP=”/home/prahlad/temp” crx_packmgr_path=”/etc/packages/adobe/cq650/servicepack” source=”localhost:4502″ dest=”localhost:4503″ # create temp folder. mkdir $TEMP # start loop to read file and execute command for each line . while IFS= read -r line do package_name=`echo […]

AEM 6.4 upgrade

AEM Upgrade

I have upgrade from AEM 6.2 to 6.4 one of my reputed client. This article covers both upgrade strategies and steps required to do them successfully. Pre-requisite steps for upgrade Release notes Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) releases frequent updates that include new features, improvements, and bug fixes for supported AEM versions through various maintenance release […]

About Dispatcher

Dispatcher is Adobe Experience Manager’s caching and/or load balancing tool. Using AEM’s Dispatcher also helps to protect your AEM server from attack. Therefore, you can increase the security of your AEM instance by using the Dispatcher in conjunction with an enterprise-class web server. Caching: It is used to cache as much content as possible in the […]


The OSGi Alliance, formerly known as the Open Services Gateway initiative. The OSGi specification describes a modular system and a service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model, something that does not exist in standalone Java/VM environments. Applications or components, coming in the form of bundles for deployment, […]